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Classic Honda Of Midland Contributes To Church Restoration

Classic Honda Of Midland Contributes To Church Restoration

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Classic Honda of Midland continues to help restore a local church, while also taking its charitable efforts worldwide.

Classic Honda of Midland presented a check of $500 to the Filipino-American Association of the Permian Basin. Part of the proceeds will go towards fixing the age-old ceiling of St. Mary’s Church in Odessa.The other part will go towards building homes in the Philippines.

“Community service and faith are two valuesthatmake up the heart of Classic Honda of Midland,” said Joey Gabarda, owner of Classic Honda of Midland. “We’ve just been blown away by the outpour of love fromthe communityfollowing recent events and we are blessed to give back.”

Last year, Classic Honda of Midland donated a Honda Accord to St. Mary’s Church for a raffle to help the church raise funds for repairs caused by a severe thunderstorm.

The Filipino-American Association of the Permian Basinin cooperation with St. Mary’s Church is sponsoring a concert at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Hall on Saturday, September 8, 2019. The concert will feature JEDUTHUN, a group of six Boholano Singing Priests from Bohol, Philippines. Proceeds of the concert will go towards fixing the age-old ceiling of St. Mary’s Church.

Classic Honda of Midland is dedicated to giving back to the community. Most recently, the dealership donated to causes such as Sky High Children’s Ranch, Bustin’ for Badgesand COM Aquatics.

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